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Statecraft Market Insights – the latest developments in political and economic affairs and how they impact your commercial opportunities in Australia.

Crackdown on foreign investment in Australia – what does it mean?

Australian Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has announced a crackdown on sales of agricultural and energy assets in a move perceived as bowing to political pressure over foreign investment, particularly from China, as well as perceived political interference from Beijing. Read More.

The Battleground Country: Australia’s Place In A Multipolar World

As a middle power in a strategic location, Australia faces an increasingly vexed geopolitical environment. A long term ally of the United States, Australia has to date managed to assiduously build commercial links with China without compromising relationships. However, over recent months the Turnbull Government has expressed concerns over perceived Chinese attempts to influence Australian decision making.  Read More.

What’s behind the flurry of activity in the Australian banking sector?

With a laundry list of Australian financial sector assets mooted to be up for sale, what is motivating the banks? Read More. 

What does Chinese venture capital want from investment in Australian biotech?

Chinese interest in the Australian biotech sector is relatively new, with the first major cross-border deals (Biosteme’s AU$1.6B acquisition of Swisse Wellness and Luye’s AU$938M acquisition of Health Care) being inked in 2015.  Read More.